Team klövr

Slack - team-klövr


Augmented Reality as a modern-day, user-friendly medium and our favourite card game duraks.

What is durAR

durAR is an AR game that takes your best friends closer to you in this time of physical distancing. In this game you can play the card game duraks with your friends in immersive and engaging AR. You can even try to peek into your friends' cards if you feel like you want to cheat.


Download the apk file from here Download the target from here and either 1) Print it out, place it on a surface 2) Show it on a screen that's lying horizontally on a surface (ipad, laptop etc.)

How we built it

We started by creating a server-side gameplay core in node.js (server-side) and at the same time making the app in Unity as well as all the designs, using Vuforia as our AR engine. Later we set up the connections in Unity to the server and then connected everything together. The designs were made in Adobe Illustrator and Affinity Designer, the video was edited with Adobe Premiere Pro and the audio was processed in Ableton Live 10.

Challenges we ran into

Setting up AR for the first time in our life - a challenging but fun experience Connecting Unity with websockets in order to make a connection with the server

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Within this short time limit have set up a node.js server that connects to unity in order to bring multiplayer into the game; produced and filmed an entire video with a processed voice-over, and created our own original deck of cards

What we learned

EchoAR (which we ended up not using) is too easy use. (only 50 API calls which got used up too quickly)

What's next for AR Cards

Our team in the future will add more card games for all of us to enjoy. We aim to create a dynamic lobby size, so you can enjoy it with more friends! Updates for improved AR experience (being able to play the game without the target image)/the target image allowed to be on a 90deg angle for easier use. Bug fixes and updates are most likely coming

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