Tips: How to prepare for running in the heat

16 May 2024

On May 19, when the long-distance runners will hit the Rimi Riga Marathon course, meteorologists forecast very warm weather. At 8:00 AM, when the marathon and half-marathon runners will take off, the current available information suggests that temperatures might rise to around +15°C to +17°C, with the possibility of reaching up to +24°C later in the day. To avoid overheating during the race, please carefully review 8 recommendations from the organizers of the Rimi Riga Marathon.

No. 1

Please rest, hydrate yourself and load up with carbohydrates on Friday and Saturday!

No. 2

Make sure you wear light clothing on the race day and sun screen in the case of a bright sun!

No. 3

Slow down considerably and choose your pace wisely. Don’t be afraid to walk or drop out if you feel overstrained.

No. 4

Make sure you drink enough water (at least 0.5l) 2 hours before the start and at least 0.25l half an hour before the start.

No. 5

Consume water steadily at the Mangaļi energy stations – one cup at every station every 15-20 minutes will be fine! There will be 9 water points on the Marathon course, while 5km participants will received their water at the finish line.

View the Mangaļi energy points that will serve Mangaļi water, Science in Sport electrolyte drinks and fruits HERE.

No. 6

Make sure to use the sprinklers on the course to cool yourself down.

See the sprinkler points on the course maps HERE.

No. 7

Do a self test on the morning of the race:

  1. I have a normal body temperature,
  2. I have slept well and do not feel tired,
  3. Nothing hurts, I have no chest pains and I am not short of breath,
  4. I have hydrated myself well,
  5. I have no symptoms of cold.


Please seriously re-think your participation if you can say “no” to any of the statements above.

No. 8

Please turn to medical staff at energy points or between them if you need any help as well as make sure you fill out the questionnaire on the back of your race bib! It will help us help you in case you need it!

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