Application form for student seminar "Step by Step 2020"
Step by Step: How to be the BEST of the BEST” is an intensive training seminar for development of personal skills for students of RTU from 18th to 20th of September, 2020.

Goal is to provide professional development opportunities for students offering them the possibility to improve their personal skills and knowledge, meanwhile increasing their career growth opportunities.

More information about the seminar is available on the website -

Please fill in all the necessary information and show us what makes you the perfect participant for this event! :)
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Name *
Surname *
Country of origin *
Date of birth *
Phone number *
E-mail *
Faculty *
Study level *
Study programme *
Study year *
Do you have any dietary restrictions? *
What do you want to gain from this seminar? Why? *
If you had to measure the height of a TV tower with no tools, what would you do? *
Did Netflix kill the TV star? *
Any special requests?
Where did you find out about this seminar? *
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